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This album is  a unique collection of new and traditional brass band music - from Finnish and from international perspective. It is featuring Jouko Harjanne as the soloist of each demanding piece. It was recorded in Finland  (Järvenpää and Kuusankoski) during 2008, with Klaus Pylkkänen and Sami Hannula as conductors. Laura Heikinheimo acted as producer and Markku Kylmänen as executive producer. Recording, editing and mastering  by Matti Heinonen. Cover photo by Minna Kurki.

Contents of "Harjanne" CD:
(with Spotify links)

The "Concertino" by Kirmo Lintinen and "Soul Carrying Birds" by Jun Nagao were composed for this recording and appear as world premieres.

Kirmo Lintinen:


Gordon Langford:

Rhapsody for Cornet and Brass Band

Philip Sparke:

Concerto for Trumpet or Cornet and Brass Band

Jun Nagao:

Soul Carrying Birds (Sielunkantajalinnut)

Joseph Turrin:


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